
Teaching Methodology for Environmental Life Skills Education for Teacher Training Centers

Chapter 1 Introduction to Environment introduces in 2 lesson what is environment, environmental problems of Cambodia and Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development.

Chapter 2 Biodiversity and Ecosystem presents 2 lessons on biodiversity and ecosystems in Cambodia and wetland areas.

Chapter 3 Natural Resources and Impact of Overuse provides 5 lessons on forestry and deforestation, the wildlife situation and mining resources of Cambodia, and impacts of climate change.

Chapter 4 Waste Management explains in 5 lessons the different kinds of waste and waste segregation, biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste and the 3R’s: Re-ducing, Re-using and Re-cycling.

Chapter 5 Pollution in Cambodia provides 10 lessons on the cause and impact of air and water pollution and how to take preventive measures.

Chapter 6 River Environment provides 4 lessons on the environment of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap Lake and their main environmental problems.