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Our SMILE programme (here) contributes to a larger ambition of Cambodia’s Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS) to strengthen math teaching and learning in early grades. Under GPE funding with UNESCO as a grant agent, VVOB and Open Institute developed new teaching and learning packages for math in grade 1, 2, and 3. These packages include teacher guides, exercise books, and student home learning books.

MoEYS adopted these new packages for math as the standard teaching and learning materials for all schools in the country. In this way, MoEYS wants to improve the learning outcomes for young students, who traditionally score low in math. Currently, VVOB and the Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) are helping the ministry to scale the implementation of the packages.

Recently, VVOB supported MoEYS to develop videos to promote the new math teaching and learning materials among all stakeholders, including teachers, school leaders, national and subnational ministry officials, donors, and other partners. We are happy and proud of the result and hope this will draw more attention to the strengthening of math teaching and learning in Cambodia. Also, the classroom videos can help teachers improve their own classroom practices.

You can find the videos here:

  1. Teaser- Early Grade Mathematics - Foundation for Development. (here)
  2. Early Grade Mathematics - Foundation for Development. (here)
  3. Teaser - Showcasing Quality Mathematics Teaching in Grade 1. (here)
  4. Mathematics teaching in Grade 1: Measuring and comparing lengths using different objects. (here)
  5. Teaser-Showcasing Quality Mathematics Teaching in Grade 2. (here)
  6. Mathematics teaching in Grade 2: Making patterns with geometric shapes. (here)
  7. Teaser - Showcasing Quality Mathematics Teaching in Grade 3. (here)
  8. Mathematics Teaching in Grade 3: Adding a two-digit number to a four-digit number with carrying. (here)