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Numbers manual can be used by teacher trainers, student teachers, and teachers in primary education. All contents in this manual are based on the Primary Mathematics Curriculum Syllabus (2018). Learning outcomes from curriculum syllabus are used in order to set the learning lines, which are divided into step-by-step contents and linked to instructional strategies and learning activities. In addition, each step also includes additional ideas to expand the teachers' knowledge and understanding on mathematical concepts and teaching methods. Moreover, we include gender mainstreaming and environmental education that teachers can use as a reference to ensure effective and equitable teaching and learning. The instructional strategies for each step included abundant activities as follows:

  • Introduction: An activity where the teacher can review the content related to the students' existing and necessary knowledge to link to the new lesson content.
  • Whole classroom activities: Activities that the teacher leads to show something to all the students.
  • Group work: A teacher activity that divides students into groups for homework or assignments.
  • Pair work: An activity in which students have to work together as partners or do different tasks and then take turns to review and verify.
  • Individual work: An activity in which students work independently, such as solving problems or problems.
  • Formative assessment: An activity that teachers use to assess students' abilities in the end during class to see if students have achieved the objectives set by the teacher.


This first edition was approved by MoEYS and published in 2021 under the support of VVOB.

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